I Used To Have a Handle On Liberty, But It Broke.

Hi Guy’s its Barry in D.R. Another of the many great weekends here in Cabrera, Dominican Republic. One of our best friends, Dr. Frank was in town treating some of his patient’s and wanted to get together Saturday night for dinner. Frank, as he likes to be called, is quite an amazing person. Frank was a former orthopedic surgeon for the French army and head Physician for the Russian Olympic team eight straight years.

Freedom cannot exist while still in the herd

Freedom cannot exist while still in the herd

Frank has an impressive list of patient’s. This list consists of Presidents, past and present, Diplomats from all over the world, top professional athletes and a long list of Hollywood’s biggest names. Vladimir Putin sends his private jet to pick up Frank and whisk him off for a few days in Russia whenever he or the people close to him need attention. Every person we’ve ever sent to Frank has come back with marvelous reviews. I’m constantly hearing comments like this: “this man is a miracle worker” or “I’ve lived with this for decades, I can’t believe what he’s done for me”.
I myself have been cured of a 17 year hip pain caused by a racing accident.

Why am I telling you all this? Cause you’ve been brainwashed about your freedom and your liberty, all the way down to your medical system. Frank charges 1000 pesos per visit. That amounts to about twenty seven dollars. He treats you one-on-one. You will never have an assistant working on you. In the Dominican Republic, you can find some of the best medical and plastic surgery available anywhere in the world. Fly in surgery is very common here.  My medical insurance costs me fifteen hundred pesos a month, or thirty eight dollars and fifty cents U.S. and I guarantee you my policy puts yours to shame.
Unfortunately, you’ve been brainwashed and we are labeled a third world country. Not understanding the differences between being born in these countries or deciding to relocate to these countries makes you not only brainwashed but clueless.

The people of the western world had better start opening their brains, and fast. Their eyes may have been opened for a long time but still they refuse to see and continue their long, already lost fight for liberty, as America has been a lost idea for decades. You really should be referring to the nation as the United States as America has long been a dead idea.

I hope you read this a few times and let it sink in. I’ve already quoted this in a previous blog but it’s worth repeating. These words come from Doug Casey, a man who I never actually met but admire immensely as he’s taught me a lot over the years. I hope to have the pleasure of chatting with him someday in the future.

“Hope for the future rests in what are today derided as corrupt Third-World countries.  If you’re going to have a ridiculous number of impossible laws, corruption is a good thing. Increasingly, what matters is not the number or even nature of laws on the books in the place you live, but the amount of actual control the state has over private individuals. Corruption subverts idiotic laws; it’s the next best thing to abolishing them.”

I hope you pay some close attention to this as it may be the one of the most critical pieces of information for your family’s future. Linked below is an excellent article by David Galland, Managing Director for Casey Research. It’s exactly what all of us who are putting out our time and efforts are trying to get through to you.

Start living instead of just existing.  The Dominican Republic is one of several excellent choices to make a peaceful home away from all the illusions of freedom people cling to but have long since departed. When you trust in yourself you’re trusting in the source that created you. Stop letting others influence and rule you’re destination.

Paying Lip Service to Liberty

“And therein lies the importance of being able to travel freely. You see, unlike many, I refuse to define myself by the artificial borders that were determined solely by an accident of birth. Why should I?
Do I relate to the idea of America? Of course; what thinking person wouldn’t? But during this philosophical dark ages for freedom in the United States, what practical purpose does clinging onto that idea serve?
Personally, I look at the Americans and I see a people who have been very effectively brainwashed, or who simply have given in to the entirely human tendency to shuffle unquestioningly onto the path of least resistance and let themselves go.”
Casey Research


Be sure to watch for my next post about what has happened to our country. Psychopaths have taken over in every sector of the nation. Take a moment before reading this post and look up the definition for psychopath. I’m sure you’re going to be surprised. It’s not what you’re thinking. What you see in the movies. The mindless killing and maiming inflicted by these people has absolutely nothing to do with being a psychopath. The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we’re afraid. So get unafraid fast as it’s the single biggest obstacle you need to overcome before change can take its positive course. This is Barry in D.R. and I’m out.

Rahul August 26, 2012 at 1:32 pm

megan – Did you guys love the DR? Where were you staying? We spent a week at a place near Puerto Plata. Presidente is a haomdnse brew, although Jon would know better as I was too busy drinking my weight in pina coladas. Hope you had a great time relaxing & enjoying eachother!May 10, 2009 2:39 am

Jessica Boucher August 4, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Hi, I have also visited this amazing Dr. Frank, and I was trying to tell someone else about him for when they visit but I cannot for the life of me remember what his Dominican Republic address was or if he had an email? I was hoping maybe you could help, as it seems you are close with him? I found this post because I was trying to find Frank by Google searching his name and his practice in Puerta Plata, DR. I would really appreciate it as I hope to visit him again someday myself!!

Barry August 5, 2014 at 1:42 pm

Hi Jessica leave me your phone number and I will forward it. Franc is not an email guy

Barry krieget March 22, 2016 at 12:02 am

I would love to visit Dr Frank. Could you email me his contact info and/or address. Thank you very much.

Barry March 23, 2016 at 2:45 pm

Barry since our post Dr. Franc has pretty much retired. If you want to let me know what your purpose for meeting Franc was. I very well might know another person who might be able to assist.

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